I have hit a serious patch of ADD when it comes to my knitting. I think this is a good thing. Why would I say that? It wasn't too long ago when all my brain could handle was garter stitch. I feel like I've discovered the knitting equivalent of Elizabeth Kubler-Ross' stages of grief. Stage 1: No Knitting, Stage 2: Garter Stitch, Stage 3: Startitis. Hmmm.... maybe I'm on to something here.
Let's look at the evidence that I have entered Stage 3.
Here's the lowdown on the past two weeks. I ordered yarn for the Tungata cowl and Stowe sweater (but you knew that already). I wound the yarn into balls after it arrived but didn't cast on because I wanted to finish my Color Affection. I had just gotten to the short row section and adding the third color - FUN! That was fun for about a week. Now it just seems like it is NEVER going to end. It takes me about 20 minutes to knit a row. Ugh. That's OK for times I need mindless knitting (like meetings or chatting during knit night) but I need something more stimulating than that! SO - I cast on for the Tungata cowl. All 300 some stitches. The alternating color ribbing was interesting for about two rounds. Now it is KILLING me. It is taking me FOREVER. Time to move on to something else. Swatched for Stowe. From just looking at the swatch, I'm pretty sure my gauge is too big. The stitch pattern looks nice, but it gets tedious kind of quickly. The thought of knitting an entire garment in that stitch - ugh. I really want that sweater, but do I want it enough to endure knitting it? I went back to my Craftsy lace shawl class. Am ready to cast on Skywalker. I also signed up for Laura Nelkin's new Mystery Knit Along, "Juego" which starts in April and snagged one of the kits from Space Cadet. Considered signing up for two other mystery knit alongs, but decided that was crazy pants - especially since I start Ysolda's "Perfect Sweater" on-line class on Monday. Oh, I think I ordered a bunch of random sock yarn in there too... whew. Just writing about it makes me exhausted!
Sorry for the lack of pictures, but at least I added the links! I'll add the photos later....
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