Update: Over the weekend, I worked on Laura Nelkin's Crafsty class on knit shawls. I'm up to lesson #6. I had to cast on about four times, but I finally got it. Things were going swimmingly until Sunday afternoon when I got to section 4 and the star stitch. Got about halfway through the motif and I was short a stitch. Damn. I missed a yarn over somewhere. Thought I found it. Tinked back. Nope - that's not where it's missing. Couldn't figure out where I went wrong. Ripped back to my lifeline. Started the section again. Then, on the third row of lace, I was a stitch short. Found the missing yarn over. I unknit the purl row until I got to the spot and faked the yarn over by pulling up a loop from the row below. It looks a lot smaller than the other yarn overs, but I'm hoping blocking will help it out. Decided that my brain was done with lace for the weekend. Worked on Tungata while watching Argo. Decided that was mindless enough for the evening. I have one more round of the blasted ribbing left.
This week, Ysolda's Perfect Sweater class started. I've spent most of the morning reading the blog and introductions from all of the students. I'm really excited. The students are from all over the world, which I find very exciting. One of the things we can do is share our blogs with the other students. Am I ready to share this? It's on the World Wide Web - so it is already "out there" in public. But I don't think many people have found it. That's OK with me. I know a couple of my Ravelry friends have read some posts, but I know them. This is really putting myself out there. Also, I started this blog with the intent of sharing what I've learned about getting garments to fit. But, I haven't had a whole lot of success on that front since starting the blog - thus the sporadic posts. PLUS sharing a blog that is supposed to be about learning to get your knits to fit in a class about getting your knits to fit - highly appropriate but SCARY! If I share my blog, then I also need to make the commitment to post regularly AND post photos because a blog without photos is BO-RING! (She writes in a post with no photos). I will have to think about it.
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