Tuesday, October 16, 2012

50 socks in 50 weeks

I've been in a knitting rut for a while.  I've been making lots of shawls and while they have turned out well and are very pretty, I'm just feeling kind of "meh" about them.  I don't hate them.  I don't love them.  They just are.

My attention span is also less than that of a gnat these days.  I need to feel some sense of accomplishment.  Quickly.  I have literally hundreds of sock patterns I want to knit and over 100 skeins of sock yarn (I know, just... I know).  So why not do something crazy like casting on a new sock every week?  Originally I was going to try to do 50 pairs in 50 weeks - but I don't think that is very realistic.  I  am capable of knitting a pair of socks in a week, I just don't know if I could keep up that pace for an entire year.  Plus, I know I will be wanting to knit other things as well in this time frame - so one sock a week, that I think I can do.

Second sock syndrome?  So what?  Start another pair and eventually get back to the second sock after mixing things up a bit.  Also, life is too short to knit stuff you don't like - so if it's not working, move on to something different.  We shall see how this goes.  Wish me luck.

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