Monday, September 17, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's my birthday!  I have a feeling it's going to be a good year.  My horoscope says so, so I believe it! :-)

I had a great weekend.  I took the train to Ann Arbor to visit a friend and go to a Michigan football game.  Seven hours on the train - lots of great knitting time.  I finished a sock and got a lot of work done on my Earth and Sky Shawl.  (need to take pictures, what else is new?)  I've been knitting a lot of shawls and scarf-like objects lately, but I'm getting ready to swatch Sabbatical by Connie Chang Chinio.  I started the swatch this weekend, but lace worked on both sides and a bumpy train ride are not a good combination.  Had to rip after a few rows and save it for quiet time - that means Knit Night tonight is probably not good swatching opportunity!  Knit Night on my birthday - how awesome is that?

I will leave you with an adorable video of "Cast On, Baby" by a group at a LYS in New Jersey.   The diversity of the shop's clientele is amazing - people of all ages and races enjoying the fiber arts.  They look like a great group - I'd love to hang out with them!   I wish we had a LYS like that here...